Saturday, April 10, 2010

What would you do to change the world?

What is the world I want to see like .Thinking of it every small thing comes to my mind Poverty, Infrastructure, Development etc but do all these things over power a most important constituents in this universe well if you ask me it’s a big no .
Hypocrisy – ruler of today’s world. That’s what I’ll love to call it, because that’s what it is. This is the one thing I’ll like to change in today’s world.
It makes its victory evident to me with every passing minute, hour and day even the biggest, richest human on the surface is a victim of it. You come across it all the time. I’ll like to share at least one such incident.
Travelling makes me inquisitive and gets me talking. So this is about a cab driver who drove me to Marine Drive via Sea Link. He was Raju Tambhe, 34, from Mumbai. His wife is a teacher. According to him, the youth of today is aping the West all the time, be it music, clothes, lifestyle etc. So now his issue with modernization is what is with the ethics and morals and behaviour. The recent incident at where Marine Drive where an old man was being was abused by a young college chap. He recalls that deeply hurts him. But, now Raju himself was educated till 12th and was dressed in western clothes. So I asked him and to this he said “this is comfortable for me !!”But this was also from the west right ? he got quite for some time and removed a pack of tobacco and threw the wrapper right on the sea link and kept on spiting it on the world class architecture. He kept on blaming the government for every single thing under the sun. So my question to Rajuji was “was he not saying aping the values & morals & discipline from west! So Rajuji does any cabby in west spit on road throw on roads, crash signals, break lanes this made him even more quite.
Rich NRIs to poor cabby be it anyone they are only cribbing but what about no one wants to walk towards betterment.

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